Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Historic Meeting Held

Historic meeting held between Laotian Government Delegation and Cambodia’s Ministry of Cult and Religion

A historic event occurred in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the week of August 21, 2017, with the arrival of a Laotian Delegation of the Lao Government.  Included in the 5-man entourage were:  His Excellency, Khammanh Sounvileuth, Ministry of Home Affairs, His Excellency. Nisith Keppanya, Director General for Planning, His Excellency, Sosonephith Phanouvong, Director General for National Religion, His Excellency, Bounna Phathoumma Vong, Director General for Vientiane Home Affairs, and His Excellency, Sisavath Thamma Vong, Executive Assistant to the to the Minister.  The delegation traveled to meet with Cambodian Ministry of Cult and Religion in three separate settings.  Prior to those scheduled events the delegation was hosted and welcomed officially to Cambodia by Prime Minister, His Excellency Hun Sen.  On Tuesday, they were escorted by His Excellency, Him Chhem, Head Minister of Cult & Religion, to meet with Muslim Leaders as well as a visit and tour of a Buddhist Wat. 

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017, the Lao Delegation met with a combination of Ministers representing the Ministry of Cult & Religion as well as the Christian Coalition.  The site for the gathering selected by the Head Minister was one of the chapel buildings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The meeting was designated for an exchange between the two government representatives to share the Cambodian government’s interaction with Christian denominations that have built relationships which enjoy unity and harmony.
A large banner bidding the delegation welcome was placed at the entrance of the building, as well as a greeting line of religious leaders representing 19 different Christian congregations, and where a token of friendship was presented.  Local Priesthood leaders were in attendance as well as LDS members showing respect for the special visitors.  The meeting was efficiently, planned, coordinated and hosted by Samnang Say, Director/Manager of Cambodia Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

                                  Entourage arrived with uniformed drivers

     Laotian Dignitaries greeted at entrance of LDS Chapel by Cambodian officials

 Greeting Line for dignitaries at Chapel entrance

Leader of Delegation His Excellency, Khmmanh Sounvileuth (red tie)

Ministry of Cult & Religion Ministers seated on Right – Laotian Delegation seated on left – 19 Leaders of Christian Congregations seen seated around the perimeter.  (High Council Room)

Laotian Delegation seated

After opening remarks, an exchange/discussion, between the two country’s representatives convened for an hour, concluding with the presentation of a special gift to the Lao Delegation representative of Cambodia.

  Her Excellency. Min Chandeyneth, His Excellency,  Uong Vibol who both serve as Under Secretary of State, in Ministry of Cult & Religion present special gift to His Excellency, Khammanth Souvileuth, Ministry of Home Affairs, Lao Government

Cambodian ministry officials, Lao delegation and all Christian leaders were invited and did tour the church building.  Positive impressions and remarks were shared by those in attendance concerning the building as well as questions on use of facilities and how such an impressive facility was funded. They were surprised to understand the buildings for our members are fully paid for by member donations and staffed and operated by lay ministry (no payment for servng the congregation) by local members.  The Laotian delegation left with a better understanding of how the LDS church functions in Laos. 

                 Tour of chapel by Bishop Samnang Sea Part of Christian Coalition
Delegation and guests shown after tour of chapel and cultural hall

        Pictured at entrance of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapel


All involved in planning this extraordinary event are optimistic that meeting together, sharing experiences through discussion, along with examples of the harmony between government and religious leaders in Cambodia, would result in greater insight, understanding and tolerance for freedom of religion within the Lao Government; further that same  understanding could extend tolerance and understanding to fellow-members of our faith in Laos.   

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