Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Letter to a Missionary Grand-daughter... typical, amazing Grammy!

From: Joni Dowd []
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 11:27 AM
To: 'McKenzie Elieason' <>
Subject: Another week in HIS Service

Hi Honey,

It’s us grammy & PopPop checking in on Sister Eliason as you finish ANOTHER week in HIS Service.  It is transfer day here tomorrow – so naturally as we see all the young Elders and Sisters excited about their next assignment, we naturally think of you.  I can’t believe how fast the weeks fly by.  Soon you will be departing for the special place the Lord has in mind “especially” for you.
We have the assignment each transfer (that happens every six weeks in this mission) to go to 5 FIVE different apartments and do inspections (check out “how” clean they are keeping their places)  We check the refrigerator, bathrooms, check for clean dishes, counter and stove clothes hung up and washed neatly….their study room/desk neat and orderly.  It is really fun for us to visit the kids – we always take them donuts or cookies and try to leave them with a bit of a spiritual thought.  SO I’m pretty sure you will have the same sort of routine in California.  I KNOW you, so I KNOW your apartment will get the “blue ribbon” award.

I can’t believe the weeks are passing by so quickly for you.  How are you doing?  Your letters are marvelous and we love reading EVERY SINGLE WORD.  This is a pretty wonderful time in your life.  I’m so glad you decided to go – we are so proud of you, Kenz.

The only hard part (and the Book of Mormon teaches us we can DO hard things)  is that we just missed seeing you in person – now it will be 3 years before we get to see and be with you again.  But the wonder of emails, the 2 phone calls, the pictures you send will keep us close even though we aren’t for a time.  And of course, you are EVER CLOSE in our hearts.  Just know, you will be doing the most important thing with your time that you could possibly do…..blessing other people’s lives. The Lord is counting on you😊

You have SO many friends  to write to  and just limited time on the computer so mostly just wanted you to  receive this one from us.  We are your Cambodian cheerleaders.  Wanted to attach a couple of pictures taken last week when we went to distribute food to some of the poorest of the poor in a Province called Kampot which is about 4 hours away – These people have suffered drought on their rice crops and are in such need of relief – some starving.  PopPop takes the pictures and I get to meet visit and hug the people.  It is a very humbling and somber experience….they are SO grateful – some cry (me too) some smile SO BIG and have NO teeth – they literally hold onto my hands and just want me (us) to stay …..the children are always the most touching to see.  We Americans are  so blessed and have SO much  “shame on us” IF we every complain about anything……. EVER.

Please know we pray for and about you every morning and night.  When is your departure date?  Guess I will get all that info from your mom.  Just know we love you so very much.

Take care till next week

The same hammer that shatters the glass ALSO forges the STEEL….

Love you dear,
Gram & PopPop

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Elder Dowd
Sister Dowd

       012 817 138
012 817 439

Public Affairs Asia Area Phnom Penh

No 2B, St.222 off Norodom Blvd

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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