Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Grateful Recipients of Relief

Kampot Province Villagers Grateful Recipients of Relief

Families Find Relief Through Humanitarian Efforts
  Article written by Grammy      -     Pictures by PopPop for Mormon Newsroom

 Cart loaded with supplies and happy children

It was a joyful day, when plans came to fruition, and families received relief for their beleaguered drought stricken villages of the Tuekchhou District, of the Kampot Province. Such was the circumstance on that hot August morning, when 450 men, women and children gathered at the Ang Trey Pagoda, to receive emergency relief for their families.

Seeking to follow the example and admonition of the Savior to “care for the poor, the sick and the needy," members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contribute generous donations through its humanitarian arm - LDS Charities which then are used to bless the lives of the suffering. 
The most desperate families were identified and notified by commune chiefs, who issued required documentation which recipients presented at the official ceremony, on the designated day to receive their much needed assistance.

 Designated Ticket Given by the Commune

Her Excellency, Min Chandeneth, Under Secretary of State, Cult of Religion, having been involved in the initial request and part of planning the event, traveled the four hours from Capital City Phnom Penh, as an official dignitary, to be on hand, to recognize the humanitarian effort and express gratitude to LDS Charities on behalf of the government and the recipients

Additionally, Mr. Neak Sovannary, Governor of Tuekchhou District, spoke to the gathering, extending official gratitude in behalf of the province.

 - Smiles are brighter    -     Burdens are lighter

  ALL families are eligible regardless of religious affiliations

This precious little toddler will NOT have to  go hungry on this night 

 Neighbors happily helping neighbors transport supplies home


Pony & Cart driven by a crippled grandfather helping to carry supplies home for MORE than one family

Mom and dad:   “Stay right here with the food till we bring help to transport home” This  little fellow obeyed 

 ANOTHER WAY… take away food for a month

Joy and gratitude were mirrored in each face of the humble recipients who understood that on this summer day, help and relief were delivered by the LDS Church to alleviate their suffering.  This story found at

NOTE: Personal reflections/thoughts following our day in Kampot Province
Just returning a few days ago from an (8-hour round trip) south towards southern coast located near the Gulf of Thailand, to a beleaguered, drought ridden Kampot, Province. The government in Phnom Penh, requested aid, desperately needed food and supplies from our Humanitarian Arm of the church (LDS Charities).   Village and Commune Chiefs determine those who are most desperate and issue a card that entitles to come to the Buddhist Pagoda for the specified ceremony and distribution.  It was something truly unique/remarkable seeing tons of Christian rice delivered to a Buddhist Pagoda and distributed to Muslims, Buddhists, ALL in need no matter their religious beliefs.
These recipients are the poorest of the poor who live in desperate circumstances. As you can see food is stacked neatly in specific quantities, near each person.  It is the custom here is an official government/province ceremony for the Cambodian government representative to presents a plaque of gratitude and remarks to LDS Charities in behalf of the government and in behalf of the hundreds of families gathered.  Following the ceremony, the custom is for us to walk down each isle touch the stack of food – turn and point to the recipients – indicating the food is THEIRS to take home.  We have been blessed participate in several of these ceremonies far and wide throughout the country…witness to nearly 10,000 families this year receiving relief.  I will tell you that nothing is more humbling than looking into the faces of the moms, dads, grandparents, babies, toddlers, teenagers, who are suffering, the touch of their hands as they reach to grasp/hold our hands, smile that expresses gratitude – and needs NO translation.  Many have tears streaming down their faces (me too).  It’s the little children that stir my soul and are most heartbreaking.  It is a memory I’ll ALWAYS keep as a special part of our mission…. Can you tell by looking at my hair and face that it was at least 112 degrees?

If you look carefully at these expressions you will recognize they are priceless and truly portray the “meek and humble” of the world who were given hope and sustenance…….for another day.

Such a dear, dear, sweet woman

Got to steal a kiss from a “tiny” naked baby

                These sweet, innocent faces tell the WHOLE story

                                               THE FEARSOME FOURSOME
                              ELDER & SISTER THURSTON/Humanitarian Missionaries with
      ELDER & SISTER DOWD /Public Affairs Missionaries
     Her Excellency Min Chandeyneth, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Cult & Religion





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