Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Teflon Brain?

Hello my darling Sister Eliason,
YES, it’s grammy just checking in on our favorite missionary.  How we love reading your letters each week – you will have such a wonderful memory from your writings when your mission is complete…(unlike grammy WHO has been just terrible in keeping up with our doings). You know how in Alma it says “don’t procrastinate the day of your repentance?  WELL, I have failed miserably and procrastinated writing through all these months and now it’s almost time to go home.  So, I’m so proud of you for getting a letter off each week.  I came up with a NEW term to describe “my brain” it is…
TEFLON BRAIN….get it?  NOTHING STICKS – so not sure how much of our mission will be remembered.

We had a wonderful (but long) Sabbath day.  Left home at 10:30 a.m. and got in at 8:00 p.m.  We left early to attend a baptism of a NEW member.  He is a great young man who lives in TaKhmau and asked that PopPop be the one that baptize him.  We were so surprised but PopPop did a wonderful job….and these are some of the sweetest memories of a mission.  His name is Pich (pronounced Pitch) Chham.  He was overcome with the spirit (and wept) and following his baptism when he changed back into his street clothes and came back into the Relief Society room – he leaned over to me and said “Sister….I’m CLEAN…I never thought this day would come.”  We were so happy for him This is the fourth (4th) time different people have asked that Elder Lok Ta (translated is grandpa) has been blessed to participate in this ever-so-important ordinance which allows each one to walk through the narrow gate and plant their feet on the narrow path back to our Heavenly Father. As you know it is just thrilling and never gets old to attend.
I’ve attached the pictures of those he was blessed to perform. 

Also, we cracked up when you told about running into a garbage can while riding your bike.  I swear you are named for grammy for good reason – that is something I would do (and have done) for sure.  Thought you would get a smile out of the other picture I’ve attached just to let you know that grammy and PopPop (at age 74) rode a bike on our mission.  [see attached].  Gratefully, on that night, I did NOT crash – OR did not get my skirt caught in the chain  – but I was nervous as I haven’t ridden a bike in years and there were NO sidewalks, the road was a DIRT, and it was after dark..  Now that should be written in a journal somewhere right? 

The last picture is of a big even Public Affairs (that’s us) hosted here – there are such CRAZIES on the highway (they all ride motos – a kajillion of them)  Anyway we had a Road Safety Saves Lives Workshop and invited members of the community as well as members of the church. IF people came and completed the course we (the church) awarded them a FREE helmet.  We had 70 sign up but over 150 came WHAT???  Anyway, the picture attached is  PopPop modeling the helmet that they got.  He looks more like an Astronaut right? .

Last but not least in the spirit of Halloween…..picture Which “witch is Which??? Get it? YES they DO celebrate Halloween in Cambodia.

Love you – so proud – keep up the good work – WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER😊
Love grammy & PopPop


Elder Dowd
Sister Dowd

       012 817 138
012 817 439

Public Affairs Asia Area Phnom Penh

No 2B, St.222 off Norodom Blvd

Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Still riding bikes, Elder & Sister Dowd riding in the dirt, and in the dark!  Be Careful!

Everyone wants Elder Dowd to baptize them... I wonder why?  Look at that smile!

Another sweet baptism, Elder Dowd asked to Baptize

Another baptism... amazingly sweet people!

After teaching a bike safety course, if you completed it, the Church gives you a helmet!  Elder Dowd looks like he's from Star Wars, a true Jeddi!  

Look... they do celebrate HALLOWEEN here in Cambodia!  

Update/Letter to Sister Eliason - Conference Weekend & Sister's Conference

PopPop and I are with the Ta Khmau (pronounced Dak Mow) District Elders and Sisters (8 of them) this weekend watching General Conference.  YES, a week later than the rest of the world (delayed because translation to Khmer has to be completed)  So, all day Saturday and Sunday we've been here at the chapel (about 30-40 minutes from our apartment). This picture is the room we set up our computer to watch it in English.  The Khmer people watched in the Chapel.  I love being around them because they are so faithful, fun and dedicated and love the Savior and the gospel. ALSO,  being around them reminds me that you ,too, are part of this "Royal Army".  Grammy needs a fresh package of Kleenex as each Session has begun- then add the music to that and then my makeup looks as bad as my hair.

We love reading about the experiences you are having already and swell with pride at your desire and purposeful attitude.  I know you feel the Spirit with you daily... what a blessing to have this time to be an instrument "His" hands to bring the glad news to those who are waiting for those critical answers presently missing in the world. Yeah!

Today (Sunday Session) has been especially sweet because in this humble country, with these poor and meek people, in between the sessions 5 new investigators entered the waters of baptism.. I wish you could have seen them so happy - they who barely have clothes to wear, the home they live in is just a tin room [see attached]– and yet you can see the happiness on their faces – because they have found HOPE in Christ.

I also attached a picture of grammy/PopPop at our Senior Sister missionary Conference.  All the Sister Missionaries from around the country, came to Phnom Penh for 2 day Conference. I have attached a couple of pictures. We got to watch the R.S. General Conference together.  All the Senior Sisters (including grammy) were on a panel…then we did this exercise where Khmer (Cambodia Missionary sisters) showed us “how” to fold a Lotus flower…YES fold the leaves of a live flower into a design.  I’m pictured here with TWO sisters (actual siblings) who are from Cambodia and are serving a mission at the same time.  It was fun for them to see each other because they serve in different parts of the Country. Their name is “Chin”  PopPop thought he was clever to call them the “Double Chins”  get it? As you can see they are beautiful with NO double chins😊 Then  the Senior Missionary husbands served all of us a delightful lunch…I especially like the waiter in the bow tie.

The last picture is of our Senior Conference where we went to Odoung – a place a few hours away that was  the Capital of Cambodia in the 1600’s (a LONG time ago). We climbed 700 stairs to the top and took these pictures…. The next day our slogan was ….stiff and sore at 74 (years that is).

Picture's from Senior Sister Missionary Conference and Senior Missionary Conference:

Five new Investigators get baptized!

Elder Dowd serving the Sisters, at the Sister's Conference

Elder Dowd leading the rest of the Elders in Serving the Sister's 

Odoung, Capital of Cambodia in the 1600's, climbed 700 stairs to the top!  

Watching some Conference?  I believe so... 

Sister Missionary Conference '17

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Letter to a Missionary Grand-daughter... typical, amazing Grammy!

From: Joni Dowd []
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 11:27 AM
To: 'McKenzie Elieason' <>
Subject: Another week in HIS Service

Hi Honey,

It’s us grammy & PopPop checking in on Sister Eliason as you finish ANOTHER week in HIS Service.  It is transfer day here tomorrow – so naturally as we see all the young Elders and Sisters excited about their next assignment, we naturally think of you.  I can’t believe how fast the weeks fly by.  Soon you will be departing for the special place the Lord has in mind “especially” for you.
We have the assignment each transfer (that happens every six weeks in this mission) to go to 5 FIVE different apartments and do inspections (check out “how” clean they are keeping their places)  We check the refrigerator, bathrooms, check for clean dishes, counter and stove clothes hung up and washed neatly….their study room/desk neat and orderly.  It is really fun for us to visit the kids – we always take them donuts or cookies and try to leave them with a bit of a spiritual thought.  SO I’m pretty sure you will have the same sort of routine in California.  I KNOW you, so I KNOW your apartment will get the “blue ribbon” award.

I can’t believe the weeks are passing by so quickly for you.  How are you doing?  Your letters are marvelous and we love reading EVERY SINGLE WORD.  This is a pretty wonderful time in your life.  I’m so glad you decided to go – we are so proud of you, Kenz.

The only hard part (and the Book of Mormon teaches us we can DO hard things)  is that we just missed seeing you in person – now it will be 3 years before we get to see and be with you again.  But the wonder of emails, the 2 phone calls, the pictures you send will keep us close even though we aren’t for a time.  And of course, you are EVER CLOSE in our hearts.  Just know, you will be doing the most important thing with your time that you could possibly do…..blessing other people’s lives. The Lord is counting on you😊

You have SO many friends  to write to  and just limited time on the computer so mostly just wanted you to  receive this one from us.  We are your Cambodian cheerleaders.  Wanted to attach a couple of pictures taken last week when we went to distribute food to some of the poorest of the poor in a Province called Kampot which is about 4 hours away – These people have suffered drought on their rice crops and are in such need of relief – some starving.  PopPop takes the pictures and I get to meet visit and hug the people.  It is a very humbling and somber experience….they are SO grateful – some cry (me too) some smile SO BIG and have NO teeth – they literally hold onto my hands and just want me (us) to stay …..the children are always the most touching to see.  We Americans are  so blessed and have SO much  “shame on us” IF we every complain about anything……. EVER.

Please know we pray for and about you every morning and night.  When is your departure date?  Guess I will get all that info from your mom.  Just know we love you so very much.

Take care till next week

The same hammer that shatters the glass ALSO forges the STEEL….

Love you dear,
Gram & PopPop

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Elder Dowd
Sister Dowd

       012 817 138
012 817 439

Public Affairs Asia Area Phnom Penh

No 2B, St.222 off Norodom Blvd

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Grateful Recipients of Relief

Kampot Province Villagers Grateful Recipients of Relief

Families Find Relief Through Humanitarian Efforts
  Article written by Grammy      -     Pictures by PopPop for Mormon Newsroom

 Cart loaded with supplies and happy children

It was a joyful day, when plans came to fruition, and families received relief for their beleaguered drought stricken villages of the Tuekchhou District, of the Kampot Province. Such was the circumstance on that hot August morning, when 450 men, women and children gathered at the Ang Trey Pagoda, to receive emergency relief for their families.

Seeking to follow the example and admonition of the Savior to “care for the poor, the sick and the needy," members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contribute generous donations through its humanitarian arm - LDS Charities which then are used to bless the lives of the suffering. 
The most desperate families were identified and notified by commune chiefs, who issued required documentation which recipients presented at the official ceremony, on the designated day to receive their much needed assistance.

 Designated Ticket Given by the Commune

Her Excellency, Min Chandeneth, Under Secretary of State, Cult of Religion, having been involved in the initial request and part of planning the event, traveled the four hours from Capital City Phnom Penh, as an official dignitary, to be on hand, to recognize the humanitarian effort and express gratitude to LDS Charities on behalf of the government and the recipients

Additionally, Mr. Neak Sovannary, Governor of Tuekchhou District, spoke to the gathering, extending official gratitude in behalf of the province.

 - Smiles are brighter    -     Burdens are lighter

  ALL families are eligible regardless of religious affiliations

This precious little toddler will NOT have to  go hungry on this night 

 Neighbors happily helping neighbors transport supplies home


Pony & Cart driven by a crippled grandfather helping to carry supplies home for MORE than one family

Mom and dad:   “Stay right here with the food till we bring help to transport home” This  little fellow obeyed 

 ANOTHER WAY… take away food for a month

Joy and gratitude were mirrored in each face of the humble recipients who understood that on this summer day, help and relief were delivered by the LDS Church to alleviate their suffering.  This story found at

NOTE: Personal reflections/thoughts following our day in Kampot Province
Just returning a few days ago from an (8-hour round trip) south towards southern coast located near the Gulf of Thailand, to a beleaguered, drought ridden Kampot, Province. The government in Phnom Penh, requested aid, desperately needed food and supplies from our Humanitarian Arm of the church (LDS Charities).   Village and Commune Chiefs determine those who are most desperate and issue a card that entitles to come to the Buddhist Pagoda for the specified ceremony and distribution.  It was something truly unique/remarkable seeing tons of Christian rice delivered to a Buddhist Pagoda and distributed to Muslims, Buddhists, ALL in need no matter their religious beliefs.
These recipients are the poorest of the poor who live in desperate circumstances. As you can see food is stacked neatly in specific quantities, near each person.  It is the custom here is an official government/province ceremony for the Cambodian government representative to presents a plaque of gratitude and remarks to LDS Charities in behalf of the government and in behalf of the hundreds of families gathered.  Following the ceremony, the custom is for us to walk down each isle touch the stack of food – turn and point to the recipients – indicating the food is THEIRS to take home.  We have been blessed participate in several of these ceremonies far and wide throughout the country…witness to nearly 10,000 families this year receiving relief.  I will tell you that nothing is more humbling than looking into the faces of the moms, dads, grandparents, babies, toddlers, teenagers, who are suffering, the touch of their hands as they reach to grasp/hold our hands, smile that expresses gratitude – and needs NO translation.  Many have tears streaming down their faces (me too).  It’s the little children that stir my soul and are most heartbreaking.  It is a memory I’ll ALWAYS keep as a special part of our mission…. Can you tell by looking at my hair and face that it was at least 112 degrees?

If you look carefully at these expressions you will recognize they are priceless and truly portray the “meek and humble” of the world who were given hope and sustenance…….for another day.

Such a dear, dear, sweet woman

Got to steal a kiss from a “tiny” naked baby

                These sweet, innocent faces tell the WHOLE story

                                               THE FEARSOME FOURSOME
                              ELDER & SISTER THURSTON/Humanitarian Missionaries with
      ELDER & SISTER DOWD /Public Affairs Missionaries
     Her Excellency Min Chandeyneth, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Cult & Religion





Countenance mirrors / 10


5 / 10


Historic Meeting Held

Historic meeting held between Laotian Government Delegation and Cambodia’s Ministry of Cult and Religion

A historic event occurred in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the week of August 21, 2017, with the arrival of a Laotian Delegation of the Lao Government.  Included in the 5-man entourage were:  His Excellency, Khammanh Sounvileuth, Ministry of Home Affairs, His Excellency. Nisith Keppanya, Director General for Planning, His Excellency, Sosonephith Phanouvong, Director General for National Religion, His Excellency, Bounna Phathoumma Vong, Director General for Vientiane Home Affairs, and His Excellency, Sisavath Thamma Vong, Executive Assistant to the to the Minister.  The delegation traveled to meet with Cambodian Ministry of Cult and Religion in three separate settings.  Prior to those scheduled events the delegation was hosted and welcomed officially to Cambodia by Prime Minister, His Excellency Hun Sen.  On Tuesday, they were escorted by His Excellency, Him Chhem, Head Minister of Cult & Religion, to meet with Muslim Leaders as well as a visit and tour of a Buddhist Wat. 

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017, the Lao Delegation met with a combination of Ministers representing the Ministry of Cult & Religion as well as the Christian Coalition.  The site for the gathering selected by the Head Minister was one of the chapel buildings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The meeting was designated for an exchange between the two government representatives to share the Cambodian government’s interaction with Christian denominations that have built relationships which enjoy unity and harmony.
A large banner bidding the delegation welcome was placed at the entrance of the building, as well as a greeting line of religious leaders representing 19 different Christian congregations, and where a token of friendship was presented.  Local Priesthood leaders were in attendance as well as LDS members showing respect for the special visitors.  The meeting was efficiently, planned, coordinated and hosted by Samnang Say, Director/Manager of Cambodia Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

                                  Entourage arrived with uniformed drivers

     Laotian Dignitaries greeted at entrance of LDS Chapel by Cambodian officials

 Greeting Line for dignitaries at Chapel entrance

Leader of Delegation His Excellency, Khmmanh Sounvileuth (red tie)

Ministry of Cult & Religion Ministers seated on Right – Laotian Delegation seated on left – 19 Leaders of Christian Congregations seen seated around the perimeter.  (High Council Room)

Laotian Delegation seated

After opening remarks, an exchange/discussion, between the two country’s representatives convened for an hour, concluding with the presentation of a special gift to the Lao Delegation representative of Cambodia.

  Her Excellency. Min Chandeyneth, His Excellency,  Uong Vibol who both serve as Under Secretary of State, in Ministry of Cult & Religion present special gift to His Excellency, Khammanth Souvileuth, Ministry of Home Affairs, Lao Government

Cambodian ministry officials, Lao delegation and all Christian leaders were invited and did tour the church building.  Positive impressions and remarks were shared by those in attendance concerning the building as well as questions on use of facilities and how such an impressive facility was funded. They were surprised to understand the buildings for our members are fully paid for by member donations and staffed and operated by lay ministry (no payment for servng the congregation) by local members.  The Laotian delegation left with a better understanding of how the LDS church functions in Laos. 

                 Tour of chapel by Bishop Samnang Sea Part of Christian Coalition
Delegation and guests shown after tour of chapel and cultural hall

        Pictured at entrance of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapel


All involved in planning this extraordinary event are optimistic that meeting together, sharing experiences through discussion, along with examples of the harmony between government and religious leaders in Cambodia, would result in greater insight, understanding and tolerance for freedom of religion within the Lao Government; further that same  understanding could extend tolerance and understanding to fellow-members of our faith in Laos.