Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Friday, August 11, 2017

Dramatic Relief Effort - See Mormon Newsroom...

Hi Kids,
          When you get a moment you might like to go toe (Salt Lake headquarters)  If you scroll down on the right column under the title “Mormons Around the World Country Newsroom Websites July 1, 2017”   The picture is of a Khmer man with 2 sacks of rice on his shoulders and a BIG smile.  Dad took that picture.  If you click on the article and scroll down through the aid given to other countries you’ll see where Cambodia is inserted.  They printed some of the article I wrote along with dad’s other picture (with the little girl sitting between her grandpa and dad) waiting to take their food home….

– it was a pretty amazing sight to be on the scene and part of such a dramatic relief effort - Just thought you might like to look.
Lovin’ these humble people, lovin’ our mission, lovin’our life…

Love to all

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