Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Update/Letter to Sister Eliason - Conference Weekend & Sister's Conference

PopPop and I are with the Ta Khmau (pronounced Dak Mow) District Elders and Sisters (8 of them) this weekend watching General Conference.  YES, a week later than the rest of the world (delayed because translation to Khmer has to be completed)  So, all day Saturday and Sunday we've been here at the chapel (about 30-40 minutes from our apartment). This picture is the room we set up our computer to watch it in English.  The Khmer people watched in the Chapel.  I love being around them because they are so faithful, fun and dedicated and love the Savior and the gospel. ALSO,  being around them reminds me that you ,too, are part of this "Royal Army".  Grammy needs a fresh package of Kleenex as each Session has begun- then add the music to that and then my makeup looks as bad as my hair.

We love reading about the experiences you are having already and swell with pride at your desire and purposeful attitude.  I know you feel the Spirit with you daily... what a blessing to have this time to be an instrument "His" hands to bring the glad news to those who are waiting for those critical answers presently missing in the world. Yeah!

Today (Sunday Session) has been especially sweet because in this humble country, with these poor and meek people, in between the sessions 5 new investigators entered the waters of baptism.. I wish you could have seen them so happy - they who barely have clothes to wear, the home they live in is just a tin room [see attached]– and yet you can see the happiness on their faces – because they have found HOPE in Christ.

I also attached a picture of grammy/PopPop at our Senior Sister missionary Conference.  All the Sister Missionaries from around the country, came to Phnom Penh for 2 day Conference. I have attached a couple of pictures. We got to watch the R.S. General Conference together.  All the Senior Sisters (including grammy) were on a panel…then we did this exercise where Khmer (Cambodia Missionary sisters) showed us “how” to fold a Lotus flower…YES fold the leaves of a live flower into a design.  I’m pictured here with TWO sisters (actual siblings) who are from Cambodia and are serving a mission at the same time.  It was fun for them to see each other because they serve in different parts of the Country. Their name is “Chin”  PopPop thought he was clever to call them the “Double Chins”  get it? As you can see they are beautiful with NO double chins😊 Then  the Senior Missionary husbands served all of us a delightful lunch…I especially like the waiter in the bow tie.

The last picture is of our Senior Conference where we went to Odoung – a place a few hours away that was  the Capital of Cambodia in the 1600’s (a LONG time ago). We climbed 700 stairs to the top and took these pictures…. The next day our slogan was ….stiff and sore at 74 (years that is).

Picture's from Senior Sister Missionary Conference and Senior Missionary Conference:

Five new Investigators get baptized!

Elder Dowd serving the Sisters, at the Sister's Conference

Elder Dowd leading the rest of the Elders in Serving the Sister's 

Odoung, Capital of Cambodia in the 1600's, climbed 700 stairs to the top!  

Watching some Conference?  I believe so... 

Sister Missionary Conference '17

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