Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Friday, August 11, 2017

Quick Update from Mom! Pioneers...

Hi Honey,
                SORRY this is arriving SO late.  Senior Missionary conference on Thursday night, Friday and Saturday till noon – then went to our Ta Khmau Branch where they were both branches combined to have a Pioneer Celebration….I’m still so deeply touched by what we experienced there.  We got home late and I thought I’ll bet you’ve already got your remarks ready….so PLEASE FORGIVE ME.  I’m going to write a bit and hope you can forgive me….and that  you can salvage something from it (you always bring your thoughts together MUCH better than your mom)  It’s like Grandma Fitch used to say….”Joni, IF its NOT an improvement over the OLD STOCK you haven’t done very well.” Fortunately, YOU, my dear, are quantum leaps ahead of the “OLD stock”  with emphasis on “OLD”.  Here it is 10:00 p.m.  I hope you will look at your emails again before you go to sleep😊

                We are thinking of home this week and the blessings of our rich pioneer heritage, their courage, sacrifice and faith as they forged their way through the frontier on their westward trek in the early years of the Restoration. 

However; dad and I’s  experience yesterday attending our small branches in Ta Khmau  (pronounced Dak Mou) (where we attend each Sunday) and being  witness to their Pioneer Celebration brought a whole new meaning to the spirit and faith of pioneers.  We were touched deeply realizing, these Asian Saints,  in actuality ARE the true pioneers of this age…in this part of the world.  In a time and place that for centuries has embraced Buddhism. Where EVEN  THE NAME of Jesus Christ, HIS teachings  and the Restoration of HIS Gospel are as NEW and strange to these Khmer people as was Joseph Smith’s announcement to the people in the Americas…in the 1830’s….unheard of.  AND YET…

In these communities, neighborhoods, and  a country, which remains 99% Buddhist, we were reminded of prophecy fulfilled – that the church will spread throughout the world – that “every nation, kindred, tongue and people, will hear the gospel   With the church in its infancy here – we could not have expected their simple but profound celebration could evoke such powerful feelings.  They revere the stories of the Pioneers and find both strength and joy in them. They had written a script and used EVERY member in both branches to bring it together…with recorded music, actors, costumes.  It was truly touching. As we’ve told you they really have no worldly assets – when we drive into the church parking lot each week….we are the ONLY car there .  Members either have to walk, ride bicycles, motos or Tuk Tuk’s.  The costumes were  so authentic because they didn’t have to find tattered clothing as part of the pioneer dress – they’re clothes are already so worn.  But they even ripped material and tied around their heads to become the mob that stormed the jail to kill Joseph.  They had a square of wood that two young guys held up to represent the door the mob broke (and shot through.)  Now,  a Khmer mob running and shooting (cap guns) and a Khmer Joseph (with a longer coat) to portray pictures they have seen) that was a sight – after Joseph’s martyrdom, their sadness….and then the gathering to portray leaving for Zion with the same music we us but the voices raised  in Khmer.  The women and children huddled as they say “Come Come Ye Saints” They even taught the Young Men and Women a square dance (with authentic) music – it was terrific until the Branch President asked for Lok Yai and Lok Dah….to join in the dancing – I will tell you that got the BIGGEST LAUGH of the day.  Of course, we were  out of breath and out of shape – but were delighted to be part of their laughter and entertainment (there just are not many OLD people here).

                Almost 80% of the congregation are members only a few months, a year some perhaps 5 years. Most don’t even earn $150 per month and yet we see them taking the tithing envelopes as they faithfully, cheerfully tuck in the reel (the name of their currency) …that sometimes represents their food for the next day.  The two young Branch Presidents just returned last week receiving their endowments, being sealed to their wives and young children – in the Hong Kong Temple -their VERY FIRST time – to ride an airplane, to leave the country after (for many) saving for years for the opportunity.

As we returned home got to bed after watching and listening to them  brought new MEANING to FAITH in EVERY Footstep.  MOST of them are members only a year or less….and yet there they were doing their very best to portray the events accompanying the restoration of the gospel.  Their hardships are many, their smiles bright, their faith strong…as I drifted off to sleep the words ….BLESSED, HONORED, PIONEER drifted through my mind….This was a day that we will always remember.  Have come to love, and respect each of these members so very much. 

WOW! This is SO convoluted …..Hope you can make something out of it that would be inspirational…..

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SORRY…you won’t believe it but when we got home from the baptism and 3 hours of church (new investigator) The Curtis came by and decided to have dinner with us WHAT????


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