Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Our Morning Moments in Phnom Penh!

All Missionaries are encouraged to take time to exercise EVERY day. Something about us being healthier??  WHO KNEW the sights, sounds AND smells Elder Dowd and I would experience EARLY in the morning on the streets of Phnom Penh.  But you’ll get a feeling of a city that wakes and bustles early each day. We walk about 3 ½ miles …..We’re WAY too OLD for this….. YES 80 degrees (at least) and humid and YES this is what my hair looks like at 6:00 a.m. or noon – OR night…. what am I gonna do???   
“Oh The Places You’ll Go”   …….Dr. Seuss

We walk along a 500+-yard Colonnade with these Monument built to honor China
Amazing sights……                                                        

Monuments built to honor China...

Who’s the guy on the back Row in the shocking (fluorescent) green shorts and BYU shirt?  YES he crashed the class at 6:00 a.m. w/out an invitation


  Wrong foot AND wrong arm….…Just needs a little MORE rehearsal😊

Monks receive their food by donation after they            “Wat’s” are where the Monks live….         Pray for the people they visit                                                                       Get  it? 
 “Wat’s” are where the Monks live….
They are REALLY good – accompanied by jam box music…. they are in motion EVERY morning - so fun to watch them – it’s an art – IF we had a fan I know Elder Dowd would have joined them too!

                                        “FRUIT ON THE GO”


                               FADING AT THE 3 MILE MARK



                                                      Elder Dowd  AT THE PALACE GATES
                       Sister Dowd to Palace Guards…” Just doing our morning exercise officer”

                           A mixture of the “old” and the “new” beautifully manicured Wat

NO HELMET – NO SEAT BELT SWEET, darling (maybe 3yr old) dad left parked on side of  busy street
So disheartening to see how the families live while fathers/husband (construction workers) work to build a structure right next to it.  They are under these tarps in heat, rain, wind.  No provisions such as furniture,
electricity, showers, just huddled.   Yes,  that is the trash around their “tarp homes” it’s their neighborhood   
camp….we see  little ones running around in the open areas.
           Contrast that picture to the opulence affluence  below – ONE of the Gambling Halls here
                                             I took the picture through the window😊 of course.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST……….There are hoses hooked to ALL toilets – they are NOT for   cleaning one’s foot.  “I mean you just can’t make this stuff up.”


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