Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, October 2, 2016

More Pictures from Cambodia

Open Market

Young man harvesting rice in the rice patties.

Sweet women in the market with their little ones...

The marketplace... with a little monkey watching over the inventory!

Sister Dowd with a beautiful little Cambodian girl

Oh gees... Elder & Sister doing their mime of happiness!

For the record... this was Elder & Sister Dowd's first day at the MTC... HERE WE GO!  

Missionary couples in training at the MTC 

Sister Dowd and another beautiful little Cambodian girl

Another pic of grateful Cambodians for pre-owned glasses that would help them see everything clearly for the first time!

400 + YSA Volunteers (Phenom Penh North/South Stakes) Clean up massive beachfront

YSA's... such great young people!

Amazing Service Activity with such amazing young people!  

Senior Sisters join in on the Service Project!

Young Cambodian eating fried insects...

Sister Dowd with Elder 'Elvis Presley' Dowd enjoing lunch...

Cambodian men in the rice fields...

Just a sample of the amazing beauty of Cambodia 

The young leadership and membership of the Church in Cambodia pushing the Gospel forward!

Enjoying an evening with the members!

Leadership at its finest... wonderful people serving the Lord!

Local Leaders of the Church in Phenom Penh

Open Market
Elder Dowd with some of the sweet kids of the Branch

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