Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Sunday, September 18, 2016

More Pictures from Cambodia

Sweet local woman grateful for

House built by LDS Chairities for the local people, non-members

Such grateful people for the gift of a roof over their head...such sweet people!

Used Eye Glasses given to locals, from a young man who gathered them for an Eagle Scout Project

Enjoying those new pre-owned glasses...

Beautiful local children, always have a smile on their face!

Passerby who passed out cold, who Lance and others got to a safe place

Sweet poor woman by the side of the road...


  1. What humble circumstances. You are the perfect people to love and care for them!

  2. Texas Greetings, to our favorite senior missionary couple in Cambodia! We love checking out your blog and learning about your amazing experiences. It's hard to imagine the many needs of the people and it sounds like the church is responding generously. We are inspired by your faithful service and we will keep you in our prayers. Love, Laurie & Jeff Willardson
