Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

We've finally made it to Phenom Penh - 30 hours later! Wednesday, July 13, 2016!  What a ride!  

The view ouside our 5th story bedroom - apartment window... beautiful, right?

Dear sweet Seniors Missionaries put together a sort of 'kitchen shower'! 

Ironing without an ironing board...

Nice kitchen sink and new dishes

Locals on their motorcycles... saw 2, 3 and 4 people on one moto!

Local Traffic

Wedding party in the street...

This is the Relief Society President's home...

Local goats enjoying the garbage...

Little fellow picking up trash to try and make money...

The Branch Members who attended today...

Stake President's wife & baby, with Returned Missionary

Sweet Sisters from the Branch

Legend lives on.. 'D' is still passing out candy and gum!  Members asked if he was President Monson - the other branch thought he looked like President Russell Nelson

Faithful Sister in the Branch

'Kitchen Shower' 

Beetles...say they taste like bbq chips... guess I'll never know!  :)

Fried Beetles

Spiders... huge!

More of the 'Kitchen Shower' items...

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