Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 30, 2016 - Two weeks... could it be?

Could it be that the kids have changed and GROWN that much in a month?  Imagine upon our return?   Initial response when I opened them of course…. tears….not sure IF it’s homesick, still in a state of jet lag OR just plain “pooped”.   We really couldn’t have planned or prepared for the rigor and energy required since our arrival.  Not complaining  BUT it has been draining…PopPop says it’s just a culmination of both the physical and emotional months of preparation, leaving, travel, and new surroundings.  Thank you for the pictures of all the kids enjoying their summer!  The pics are NOT only priceless but so great, clarity, the poses caught ALL of the emotion and fun. That’s a big part of our job and we are woefully prepared to know “how” to take good pictures. 
          Having said that….  Thought maybe you would get a kick out of this story that happened on Tuesday.…in conjunction with the meeting to have audience with the Governor.  As I told you before The meeting was critical in the sense the new chapel that will be dedicated in a few weeks is located there in Kampong Cham, which is the 3rd largest city in Cambodia.    The government has so much power it is important to have friendly relations as he can dictate the outcome of our (the church’s) efforts going forward not only with the dedication but with members already there (they determine and issue contracts “right to assemble” to allow members to congregate) and those that will hear the gospel and join the church.  Oh I almost forgot to tell you that also on Tuesday, unbeknownst to us the “Under Secretary of State (who lives in Phenom Penh) for Ministry of Cults and Religions for all of Cambodia traveled the distance and  showed up for the meeting too. 

Well, one of our duties of Public Affairs is to identify these “Opinion Leaders” and not only build relationships/friendships but to document visits, take pictures (yikes) to be officially published for the church in Cambodia.  Let’s not even talk about trying to figure HOW to navigate that website the process of writing, publishing and uploading pictures in order to complete the articles….(If I only had the capability to navigate FaceBook and computer like all of you AND the grandkids)  – should have paid MORE attention) especially when our only exposure was barely  3 hours on the church official website which happened during the last 4  days of training from the previous couple about ALL things related to our job)  This, while we were trying to learn names of people, names of streets, which are printed in Khmer, groceries, unpacking  as well as visits to Wards, traffic,…getting our office, internet, furniture set up to even getting our driver’s license and on and on.  They STILL haven’t resolved the issues and getting PopPop’s phone to work (AGGRAVATION)

BUT you know better than most our idea of photos is to have someone forward them to us or see them on Instagram…. Perhaps taking (not so good) pictures of our own on our IPhone.  We really thought we could just use that phone or our IPad to take the necessary pictures (BIG mistake) found out that the church requires high definition, pixel count proper digital stuff and exposure in order to post these articles…didn’t take a detective to determine we needed a camera.  So, picture us (pardon the pun) at a store MONDAY NIGHT.  Remembering, that we’re only 10 days in the Country…trying to buy a camera that would have all we would need to satisfy the criteria the church….and realizing it is only 12 hours from the FIRST ever meeting with the Governor of that Province scheduled with church officials (NO pressure).  We finally found a store sorta like Best Buy….we walk in  and a young (21) yr old Cambodian clerk (young woman) greets us with a smile and her broken English.  Hysterical, as she is trying to explain (show) us “how” to use it and us understanding NOT so much.   
We got home late navigating through the INSANE traffic…looked at each other thinking what the heck are we going to do now?  We opened the box to read the booklet as well as preparing for the early morning departure 5-6 hour round trip, road trip.  We were so tired but knew we needed to take these pictures the very NEXT morning. We did know enough to charge the NEW battery overnight which left us NO time to practice taking pictures.   Seriously, I mean when would we (the church) ever get another chance like this?   And we the PA Missionaries…So, PopPop is  scanning the booklet while I’m ironing clothes.  We drove for the first time by ourselves…blessed to follow the Mission President’s Van however; - driving is a life and death matter here (NO kidding).

          Fast forward to the moment our small delegation is ushered into Governor’s chambers HUGE LONG table which we were seated around.  There was a HUGE fruit basket brought and presented before we began.  We were so nervous…… being so NEW….plus we barely know where the button on the camera is to TAKE the picture, let alone IF we should use a zoom or IF it’s proper protocol or IF it would be offensive IF we took the picture.  
           The conversations were cordial but he looked VERY stiff, stoic face and posture very businesslike…not saying much just taking notes as the translator interpreted what the Humanitarian Missionaries reported.  They shared exceptional things (along with pictures) the church has done for HIS state…water wells, new homes, wheel chairs, jobs etc.  Even 150 YSA youth had come in on busses last fall to paint, refurbish a dilapidated school where 1400 kids attend.  As I said he initially seemed stern and listened to the translator but after learning of the services rendered, seemed to soften and commented that he had NO idea that the church was responsible for ALL the past and ongoing support to the poorest of that area.  Then (again through the translator) he expressed his sincere appreciation. 

Then he asked to be introduced to each of us at the table.  When they introduced PopPop and I as the NEW PA Missionaries he made a “quip about us being “older” like grandpa and grandma.  So, Lance said a few words about being honored to meet with “His Excellency” and offered a “verbal” invitation to the Open House that is planned the middle of September, explaining that we would come and personally deliver the formal invitation.…. then “D” introduced me to offer the gift we brought for him.  I actually gulped and as I began speaking I felt like there was NO saliva in my mouth…..I said my little “tidbit”  that we had only been in His Excellency’s beautiful country for 10 days, and even though we have different cultures, for sure different traffic, different languages, come from a different part of the world, the things that are common to us all are the SAME…warm relationships, family, desire for strong principles and values,  (I was SO dang nervous). I think that’s WHY it happened I may have used too big a gesture with my hand while I was trying to articulate my thoughts…then it happened (YES) I knocked a glass sitting in front of me over on the table…. thankfully it was empty and more blessed it didn’t break…but it did illicit an audible laugh from him.  
He seemed to loosen up after that and when I stepped up to his chair “bowed” and presented him with The Proclamation of the Family along with a church Pamphlet (in Khmer) and a CD of Mormon Tabernacle Choir) he stood up, smiled and shook my hand.  (I wasn’t even sure IF a woman is supposed to shake hands) Amazingly, he then instructed his (government) photographers to take a picture – so we asked permission to take one with him he holding the “Proclamation of the Family” he was willing – it was a PERFECT moment but the picture is horrible…. CAN YOU BELIEVE?  guess we’ll have to do better next timeL    “Greenie Missionaries” is an UNDERSTATEMENT. 
That’s ONE of the stories of the week!  Oh a terrible accident happened to our NEW friends (Senior Missionaries) out in that Area?  She fell yesterday on their morning walk – hit the pavement so hard a crack/hairline fracture in her shoulder, bad sprained ankle, knee and hit her head.  They are about 12 years younger than we (isn’t everyone?) Senior, Senior Missionaries.  Thought at first they were going to fly her to Thailand for surgery…but she seems better today.  
We’ve been assigned to support a Ward each Sunday whose members are really struggling (in addition to the PA stuff).  The name of the Ward is Tuol Tork (pronounced) Gool Gor…..go figure.  They are having their BIG Pioneer Celebration this afternoon (Saturday) so gotta jump in the shower and get over there. 
I’ll send the pictures of the Governor and Secretary of State when I learn “how” to upload from the camera to our hard drive (HELP ME)

Love to each of our kids….

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