Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Monday, May 29, 2017

Summary Report for April, 2017

Short Summary Report for Month of April 2017

Phnom Penh Cambodia Mission

Elder & Sister Dowd

April 18, 2017
Audience with Her Excellency Phoeurng Sackona Minister of Culture & Fine Arts
Purpose of our meeting was to introduce ourselves and also to make the Minister aware of the cultural event of BYU International Folk Dancers (first ever visit) to Cambodia.  We ask if she would be interested in distributing information to those who might have an interest in attending.  We indicated we wanted to honor their cultural tradition of a “blessing dance” that proceeds every program here. She enthusiastically agreed and instructed her aides to arrange for it. The minister, herself, being out of the country, was unable to attend on the date of the performance but did arrange for the blessing dance.  As it turned out – the ministry later made a decision to perform a traditional folk dance of their own country “Kantae Rae” which was done prior to the “Journey” program held at the beautiful Koh Pich on Diamond Island in Phnom Penh.  It was a nice cultural exchange.

              Introduction and audience with H.E. Phoeurng Sackona (center)

     May 13, 2017    Outcome of  meeting with Minister Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Cultural and Fine Arts - this Cultural Exchange took place as Khmer dancers perform the traditional  “Kantae Rae”Folk Dance prior to the BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble’s evening program commenced.

April 21, 2017Appointment and introduction to Rector Manirul Islam, (Muslim)  of Limkokwing University of Technology. (pictured far right) Purpose was to make the acquaintance and encourage an awareness to college students of the cultural experience the BYU International Folk Dancers would bring and also solicit sales of tickets for the purpose of the Charity Nokor-Tep Women’s Cancer Hospital.  It was our first exposure to this administrator, who is Muslim – he was enthusiastic instructing Professors/teachers to encourage students to attend. It was a pleasant (first) exposure for us and this young administrator from Malaysia.
April 24, 2017
Appointment at U.S. Embassy with Brian Koren (Communications ) & Jay Ramon (Public Relations)  in conjunction with their decision to “partner” with us in the BYU International Folk Dancers –providing information, fliers, posters, banners to advertise to the employees of the embassy the upcoming Nokor Tep Charity Benefit.

April 27, 2017

International Law and Religion Reunion
The reunion reception was for the purpose of bringing together opinion leaders who have traveled to attend the symposium held in Provo since 2001. We received both the assignment and the roster from Hong Kong. This being the first gathering of its type in Cambodia it required locating and finding the status of former participants to extend an invitation.  During this process, we found there were two deceased, two who moved to Canada, one in Thailand for medical treatment.  One of the distinct honors of the evening was to have Elder and Sister Randy Funk the Asia Area President in Phnom Penh to be our special guest for the evening.  He addressed the group. All were delighted to have him attend.  It also allowed him personally to become better acquainted with these Cambodian dignitaries.  Annie Wong, Assistant Director PA, Hong Kong, also traveled to attend the event.
 To begin the evening Asia Area President Elder Randy Funk extends a warm welcome to  honored guests and alumni attending the first ever reunion for Cambodian dignitaries

To begin the evening Asia Area President Elder Randy Funk extends a warm welcome to  honored guests and alumni attending the first ever reunion for Cambodian dignitaries
The following alumni are those who accepted and attended:

Most recent dignitaries to attend in 2016,  Her Excellency, Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs and Co-Founder Nokor Tep Cancer Hospital.   His Excellency, Vice Governor Phnom Penh Trac Thai Sieng.  Also pictured Elder Funk President Asia Area Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Her Excellency, Nguon Thuonm wife of former Minister Min Khin (recently deceased) of Cults and Religions. She is an advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Her Excellency Min Chandyneth, daughter of former Senior Minister Min Khin of Cults and Religions. She is currently working as one of the Under-Secretary of State for Ministry of Cults and Religions.

His Excellency Say Amnann, Deputy Director General for Religious Affairs of Ministry of Cults and Religions and also serves as an advisor to the President of National Assembly (Congress).
Mr. Chhath Choeum, Department Chair, for Administration of Ministry of Cults and Religions. Mr. Chhath Choeum was the very FIRST delegate from Cambodia to attend the symposium back in 2001
The venue and food were outstanding the atmosphere/interaction pleasant and comfortable. The seating, by design (or inspiration) placed certain opinion leaders and church members at the same table who, interestingly had a previous relationship, and renewed old acquaintances. The evening culminated in a short program/slide show depicting their campus and symposium participation and experience.  Comments from the most recent 2016 dignitaries, H.E. Ing Kantha Phavi, Trac Thai Sieng, remarks were glowing, complimentary concerning their voluntary, positive impressions of the church, its values, principles, and its members saying they had great respect for our beliefs and teachings. A short PowerPoint was presented in tribute to His Excellency Min Khin, Senior Minister of Cult & Religion, a good friend and liaison to the church, who recently succumbed to cancer. Both his widow and daughter were touched and very pleased. Anni Wong was able to purchase a beautiful memento (pens) from Hong Kong and brought to each one who attended.
The beautiful engraved pens were presented to each Opinion Leader/dignitary making the evening more memorable with the expectation that this event (reception) can be held annually for the benefit of strengthening relationships between the church and the Opinion leaders of Cambodia.
 Annie Wong, Asst. PA Director from Hong Kong brings gift for six alumni
From (l) Mr. Chhath Choeum, H.E. Amnann Say, H.E. Min Chandeyneth, H. E. Nguon Thuonm
                   H. E. Ing Kantha Phavi   and  Vice Governor  H.E. Trac Thai Sieng
Before opening special gift
After opening gift each recipient was visibly pleased and grateful
 Elder Funk  chats with Trac Thai Sieng at dinner

   Elder Funk greets Mr. Chhath Choeum 2001 attendee 
Elder Funk  greets Vice Governor Trac Thai Sieng  

  H.E. Ing Kantha Phavi speaking with Elder Funk
 H. E. Amnann Say meets Elder & Sister Funk

 H.E. Min Chandyneth & H. E. Nguon Thuonm arrive     
Of importance to note:    We received this email the very night of the event following her return home at 10:00 p.m. from Her Excellency Min Chandeneth:

Dear Elder & Sister Dowd
Much appreciated for your showing the memory of my beloved father today. 
I look forward to continuing working and supporting your LDSC in Cambodia. 
Thanks and regards,
Min Chandyneth 






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