Lance & Joni Dowd

Lance & Joni Dowd

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Dowd's in Oct

  October Short Summary Report

Open House Kampong Cham October 22, 2016
H. E. Uong Vibol Under Secretary of State Minister of Cult & Religion greeted  by Elder Dowd Pinned by Vanaak Roth, (blue) Cambodia National PA Assistant with Theany Reath Cambodia National PA President  (Gold blouse wearing glasses) looking on.

Open House Kampong Cham Chapel Open House October 22, 2016
Her Excellency Min Chandyneth Minister Cults & Religion arriving Greeted by Sister Dowd
Under Secretary of State Say Amnaan (in center wearing short sleeved black shirt) 

Open House Kampong Cham Chapel October 22, 2016
His Excellency. Srey Sopheak, Minister of Cults & Religion Kampong Cham attended and delivers personal remarks and welcome to community  during Open House Program.

October 22, 2016 Open House Tour of Chapel at Kampong Cham
High Ranking Government dignitaries in attendance pictured here (front row) visiting booths
Facing table (in suits) (l-r) H. E. Srey Sopheak, Minister of Cults & Religion Kampong Cham
Under Secretary of State  H. E. Uong Vibol Minister of Cults & Religion Phnom Penh
Vice Governor Kampong Cham   Keov Sok
Her Excellency. Min Chandyneth, Minister of Cults & Religion Phnom Penh
Back row (glasses white shirt) H.E. Nguon Sim An Parliament of National Assembly Of Kingdom of Cambodia (Law Maker)

October 22, Open House Kampong Cham Chapel
His Excellency Nguon Sim  Member of Parliament of National Assembly of Kingdome of Cambodia (Law Maker) attended and is pictured/greeted by Sea Samnang – Director of Cambodia Service Center

October 22, 2016 Open House Tour and Program Chapel Kampong Cham
H. E. Srey Sopheak, Minister of Cult & Religion Kampong Cham Province
Vice Governor Kampong Cham Keov Sok – of Kampong Cham Province
H. E. Uong Vibol, Under Secretary of State Ministry of Cult & Religion

October 22, 2016  Special Luncheon Hosted by Public Affairs for Opinion Leaders attending Open House
His Excellency Srey Sopheak (sitting middle tan shirt) - Minister of Cult & Religion, Kampong Cham Province.  Pictured here with President Theany Reath Cambodian PA National Council (Gold Blouse) & her Assistant Vanakk Roth (Blue Dress) – attending/assisting in
Kampong Cham Building Open House and Dedication, Elder/Sister Dowd on the left.

October 27, 2016 Invitation to meet with Her Excellency Ing Kantha Phavi, her husband Trac Thai Seign
Following their attendance/participation to International Religious and Law Symposium at Brigham Young University where she was a guest lecturer.  On behalf of Public Affairs of the Church, the Family Proclamation to the World, was placed in a beautiful frame presented to them.  Dr Phavi is the Minister of Women’s Affairs for the entire County of Cambodia and a very influential figure.  She and her family found the Proclamaion contained principles very compatible with many of their core beliefs.  She shared she plans to share some of the verbiage during her upcoming attendance to a Conference out of the Country.


October 28, 2016 - Luncheon
H. E. Min Chandyneth, Minister in Cults & Religion and Say Amnaan Under Secretary
Met to discuss forthcoming plans for rice distribution including ceremony with government officials in the Provinces hardest hit by drought.  Estimated to feed over 96,000 families.  Additional conversation to put in motion the erection steeple planned for new chapel dedicated October 23rd to make it complete.

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